
Dear Campers and Families,

We are  happy to announce that we will be running Camp Narnia at the Tribune Bay Outdoor Education Center on Hornby Island in 2024.  Here is some key information about the move and what it will mean for campers and parents.

  1. Re-Opening Registration: Camp Registrations will re-open April 1st at 10:00am.  We are keeping the total number of registrations the same for now, though we may be able to add a few spaces in the near future. All camp dates are staying the same, and all existing registrations will be honoured.  Our cancellation policy remains in place, and we will honour cancellations at no charge up to 2 weeks before arriving at camp.
  2. Drop-Off and Pick-Up: At this time, the plan is to arrange Sunday Drop-offs and Saturday Pickups at Buckley Bay Ferry Terminal, and to provide transport from there to camp by bus.  We are working on finding a local bus company, and will have more specific details soon.  Buckley Bay is only 30 minutes north of our previous home in Nanoose Bay, and 90 Minutes north of Camp Creina, and so we hope this will not put too much of a strain on families to drive a little farther to get to camp.  Once we have a contract in place, we will send out communications with specific drop-off and pick-up times.

We are SO EXCITED to be operating on this new site (  The Outdoor Education Center is made up of beautiful west coast forests and fields, unique cabins, yurts and shelters structures.  It has a rich history of operating programming for kids like our campers, and is surrounded by provincial and regional parks with some of the most beautiful and diverse nature the Gulf Islands have to offer.  The Outdoor Center has room for all of our usual Camp Narnia programming, as well as some new and unique offerings that we are excited to explore with our campers this summer.  We are so grateful to everybody involved from the school districts who are making this transition possible. 

Thank you all for your patience and flexibility as we have made this unexpected change of location; we have gone from secure, to terrified, to hopeful and now to giddy with excitement over the past few weeks!  Do not hesitate to reach out if you have any specific questions about the new site, and we will be following up soon with more information as our planning develops.

See you all this summer!

Dietcliff, Fiona, Joel and Sam

Let us go on and take the adventures that shall fall to us.
-C.S. Lewis

2024 Rates

Regular Rates

$625 per week
Sibling Discount: $575 per week (per camper)


Short Week Rate (July 30 – August 3)

$435 per camper
Sibling Discount: $385  (per camper)

Stay Over Fees

$40 per weekend
This fee is for campers who will be attending more than one session, and who will not be returning home between weeks.

Camper Shuttle

$40 each way
We run a shuttle to and from Camp Narnia for check-in and check-out from Duke Point Ferry Terminal in Nanaimo. This is to help campers coming from the mainland to get to camp without their parents having to drive onto the ferry and pay expensive car fees.

Please note: Our staff are only able to pick up campers on the Nanaimo side of the ferry route, and parents must follow BC Ferries regulations around children riding on the ferry.

As ferry schedules frequently change, we will get in touch with families booking the ferry shuttle one week before camp by e-mail to confirm which ferry they should take to meet the shuttle.

2024 Dates

Week One:
July 7th – 13th

Week Two:
July 14th – 20th

Week Three:
July 21th – 27th

Week Four (Short Week):
July 30th – August 3rd

Week Five:
August 4th – 10th

Week Six:
August 11th – 17th

Week Seven:
August 18th – 24th

Financial Assistance

Our camp is committed to providing a diverse and fulfilling experience for as many families as we can, and we work hard to keep the price of sending your child to camp reasonable and accessible. We also occasionally reduce the registration cost for families in need. We are a privately owned, independent camp and we receive no support from public funds, charities, or other organisations; our ability to accommodate families in financial need is limited to only a few spaces per week of camp.

Our criteria for offering reduced rates centres around three objectives:

1) Providing returning campers the chance to continue to attend camp in spite of changes in their family’s circumstances

2) Making the camp community a diverse place where children of all backgrounds play together

3) Providing the opportunity to come to camp for children who would benefit most from the experience

If you feel that your child would benefit greatly from attending camp, but are not able to pay the full camp fees, please get in touch by email and we will be happy to discuss your individual case. Also, there are some organizations who have offered funding to families to send their children to Camp Narnia in the past, and we are happy to welcome campers who have been sponsored in this way.

For more information please contact Joel or Sam by email.

Refund Policy

We offer full refunds up to two weeks before the start of a camper’s registered session. Cancellations less than two weeks ahead of a session will receive a refund of registration fees, minus the $100 deposit.

There are no refunds if a camper is picked up early from their session.